Sunday, January 6, 2008

"The Christmas Shoes" & "The Christmas Blessing"

I read "The Christmas Shoes" and "The Christmas Blessing" by Donna Van Liere over Christmas & New Years. They were nice Christmas tear jerkers and easy reading. If you like the Song The Christmas Shoes then you will like the books. It puts a longer story behind the song. I like how the 2 books connect all the characters. The books help to illustrate that things happen for a reason and it is all for our good even if it makes us is all apart of God's greater plan that we don't always understand, but in the end it will bless our lives and make us happier. It also shows that people bless our lives and we bless theirs in return. These books made me all warm and fuzzy.

1 comment:

Jessica G. said...

You should try "Christmas Jars." I forget who wrote it but it was really, really good! We read it for my bookgroup last Christmas.